For Coaches, Course Creators, Consultants, and Expert Entrepreneurs…

Showcase Your Unique Self and Effortlessly Attract Your Ideal Clients

Are you an innovative coach, course creator, or consultant feeling overlooked in a sea of competition? Perhaps you're discovering that despite your expertise, your online presence doesn't quite spark the attention and authority it deserves.

You're not alone if:

  • Your website traffic has dwindled to a slow stream
  • Your email list growth is barely a drip.
  • Your social media posts linger without engagement
  • You're catching fewer sales calls than you'd hope

Introducing The Camera Shy Entrepreneur

A course designed not just to pull you out of obscurity but to spotlight your unique value through the power of live video.

It's time to pivot from being your industry's best-kept secret to its most sought-after thought leader.


Why Live Video?

Because Your 'Weird' is Wonderfully Magnetic

Remember the last time you scrolled through social media? The videos that stopped you weren't the perfectly polished ads; they were the real, raw, and relatable moments.

Live video captivates—it’s unscripted, unpredictable, and unbelievably effective.

It’s your stage to not just reach but truly connect with your audience, showing them the real person behind the brand. The one they’ll grow to know, like, and trust—the one they'll choose to work with.

But ... you might be thinking you can't make videos because...

  • You don’t have a professional camera, microphone, tripod, lights ...
  • You hate how you look on camera
  • You don’t know what to say
  • You have no idea how to get people to watch your videos never mind convert them into clients

But most of all you’re worried that your videos will look bad and do your business more harm than good

The truth is, The Camera Shy Entrepreneur isn’t really about video!

The Camera Shy Entrepreneur is about helping you create the right message, get it in front of the right people at the right time so that they raise their hand and say “I want to hire you.”

It just happens to use short live video.

In The Camera Shy Entrepreneur, you'll:

Harness Your Uniqueness

Turn 'your weird' into your signature appeal using live videos that are deliciously you.

Build Genuine Connections

Our solutions are fast, effective, and affordable.

Craft Content that Converts

Become an expert in your niche with our help.

What's Included?

Module 1 - Video Foundations

It's not just about what gear or tools to use (which we will cover) but what's the strategy you need to create effective videos. During Module 1 we'll work together to create your video marketing plan and make sure it integrates with your overall marketing

Module 2 - Polishing Your Presence

Now that you've got your plan in place it's time to start getting more polished in your message on camera and your actual presentation. It's not about striving for perfection, it's about continual improvement.

Module 3 - Growing Your Audience

The days of "if you build it they will come" are over for video. You need to work harder to get an audience. In this module you'll build your strategy for getting not only your existing audience to see your videos but how to find new audiences.

Module 4 - Building for the Future

Now that you've built your foundation and have a body of videos, what else can you do with them? You'll work on ways to get more uses out of existing videos as well as planning your video marketing plan for the future so you continue to see results beyond the Camera Shy Entrepreneur course.

You'll Also Receive

  • Video Branding Toolkit
  • Live Video Success Checklist
  • Grow Your Audience Blueprint
  • Repurpose Like a Boss Checklist
  • Weekly live training calls (plus recordings)
  • Customizeable script templates


What are the dates?

Live Training are held via Zoom on Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm eastern starting June 4th with the last class June 27th. Office hours are Wednesdays at 2pm eastern. These are open sessions for you to get questions answered, feedback on your work and any other help you need to complete your assignment for this week.

Are the training sessions recorded?

Yes. There will be recordings which will be uploaded to the student portal the same day. An you will have lifetime access to the recordings and tools.

What equipment do I need?

All you need is your smartphone or webcam to get started plus one social media profile where you intend to go live. A microphone and tripod (if you're using your smartphone) are useful but not necessary to get started. It is recommended to create a free StreamYard account for the course but we'll talk about that during the first class.

I've never done a video. Is Camera Shy Entrepreneur right for me?

Students who do the best in Camera Shy Entrepreneur usually have done some video, they just need to learn the right strategy for getting better results. If you've never done any video I recommend doing at least one test run on your personal profile before the class starts. If you're not sure if you're ready book a call with Andrea to talk about whether this course is right for you.

Andrea opened potential for me with my videos. She made me realize that no matter how much I improved my knowledge or skills, if i didn't get get my message seen, no one would ever know.

Yvonne McCoy,

Business Women's Strategist

Andrea really helped guide me in the best way to get started.

I highly recommend her to others looking to get started or those who want to ramp up their social media and video content.

Lucia Steeg,


Andrea is the go-to guru for business social media.

She has the answers, the insight and the know-how to make it happen.

Vic Michener

Website Content Specialist

Who is Andrea Stenberg?

Andrea Stenberg is a video marketing strategist, helping coaches and other heart-centered entrepreneurs explode their visibility, show off their expertise and get new clients using video.

If you don’t know what to say, hate how you look and are intimidated by the technology, Andrea helps you quickly and confidently make client attracting videos. Stop making it up as you go along and start using a proven video strategy to attract new clients.

An award-winning blogger, Andrea’s experience includes:

  • helping a client land a major institutional client from one short video,
  • creating a marketing campaign that generated $1.3 million in sales in a single year,
  • growing a client’s Facebook page by 361% in two months,
  • being in the top 5% of most viewed profiles on LinkedIn.

Still have questions about whether The Camera Shy Entrepreneur is right for you?

Andrea Stenberg | Copyright © 2024 | All Rights Reserved