Video Action Plan:

Plan, Promote, and Present Your Next Live Video in Just 5 Days

Unlock the Power of Live Video to Skyrocket Your Business

Are you a coach, course creator, or consultant ready to elevate your online presence? It's no secret that live video is a game-changer in today's digital world. But if you're not leveraging it effectively, you're missing out on a golden opportunity to grow your business. That's where the "Video Action Plan" comes in!

Why Live Video?

Live video allows you to:

  • connect with your audience in real-time
  • build trust, and showcase your expertise like no other medium
  • increase engagement
  • boost your online visibility
  • drive your business growth

And best of all, there’s no need to learn video editing or purchase expensive software. You just click a button and start talking.

What's Holding You Back?

Perhaps you've tried going live but lacked consistency and strategy. Maybe the thought of being in front of the camera is daunting. Or, you're not sure what to say, how to say it, and how to truly capture your audience's attention.

"Video Action Plan" is a meticulously crafted 5-day course designed specifically for online entrepreneurs like you. This course is your blueprint to:

Choose The Right Topic

Pick a topic that resonate with your audience and keep them hooked. Best part, you can rinse and repeat with your next video.

Create A Compelling Outline

Structure your live video for maximum impact, including powerful calls-to-action.

Master Promotion

Get the word out effectively so your target audience knows when and why to tune in.

Maximize Post-Live Impact

Understand what to do after your live video to maintain momentum and foster growth.

Why Join Video Action Plan?

Expert Guidance

Benefit from a step-by-step approach designed by an experienced video marketing strategist.

Practical Steps

Take action with what you learn immediately with daily tasks.


Focus on real outcomes - more engagement, leads, and growth for your business.

Fast Results

Get your first (or next) live video online in just 5 days.

Only $47 CAD

What people are saying about Andrea

Andrea opened potential for me with my videos. She made me realize that no matter how much I improved my knowledge or skills, if i didn't get get my message seen, no one would ever know.

Yvonne McCoy,

Business Women's Strategist

Andrea really helped guide me in the best way to get started.

I highly recommend her to others looking to get started or those who want to ramp up their social media and video content.

Lucia Steeg,


Andrea is the go-to guru for business social media.

She has the answers, the insight and the know-how to make it happen.

Vic Michener

Website Content Specialist

Who is this course for?

  • Entrepreneurs ready to harness the power of live video
  • Those seeking to add a strategic edge to their video marketing efforts.
  • Anyone looking to overcome procrastination and take action NOW.

Join "Video Action Plan" today and take the first step towards becoming a live video pro.

Meet Your Instructor Andrea Stenberg

Andrea Stenberg is a video marketing strategist, helping coaches and other heart-centered entrepreneurs explode their visibility, show off their expertise and get new clients using video.

If you don’t know what to say, hate how you look and are intimidated by the technology, Andrea helps you quickly and confidently make client attracting videos. Stop making it up as you go along and start using a proven video strategy to attract new clients.

An award-winning blogger, Andrea’s experience includes:

  • helping a client land a major institutional client from one short video,
  • creating a marketing campaign that generated $1.3 million in sales in a single year,
  • growing a client’s Facebook page by 361% in two months,
  • being in the top 5% of most viewed profiles on LinkedIn.

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